
Egg carton flowers

In an effort to squelch the screaming and hitting-fest on this Monday morning, I searched for a quick craft for the kiddos that I had the materials for, was quick to set up, and would work for both an almost two and almost 4 year old. Here's what I came up with:

It might be hard to see in the photo, but we cut up egg cartons and used the little cups for flowers. A hole was punched in the middle for the "stem" - pipe cleaners - and I traced leaves onto green construction paper and cut them out - these went onto the pipe cleaner. The kiddos used crayons and markers to color the cups. Once we get enough made, we will put them in a vase for display. 

This idea came from Craftbits.com - http://www.craftbits.com/project/egg-carton-flowers

This held their attention for approximately 10 minutes....It was fun for me though!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn Lynn2/05/2011

    I'm loving your blog! It's so amazing that you have have time and energy for this! Keep it coming.
