
ClickCast Movie Widget...Check it out folks!

This quirky romantic comedy follows Holly (Katherine Heigl) & Messer (Josh Duhamel), two seemingly unsure adults, who become unexpected parents to their best friends’ daughter after a tragic accident. As opposites attract, the two struggle to put aside their differences, learn how to care for their charming adopted daughter Sophie and become a family through these unforeseen circumstances.



It's hard to live in your house while it's being remodeled. It feels like ages since we began, but wait, we began on December 1st, so really, it's only been 47 days, 12 hours and 28 minutes. Oh wait, was I counting again?

Tomorrow we make our third trek to IKEA. Hopefully we can get everything correct this time, instead of purchasing a single cabinet which does not match the other 40 cabinets purchased (not Will's fault).

I am anticipating this to be completed in the next three weeks, give or take two weeks....

Creativity on the horizon? Yes, when we get our dining room table back. Until then, you can rest assured that over the holiday season I not only felted my first soap, but I also painted my first two peg dolls and they turned out wonderfully!

Dining room looking into kitchen...day 36